Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Thursday, May 20, 2004


So after putting it off for god knows how many months, I've finally decided to start a blog. All the cool kids were doing it, so why shouldn't I? I was heading home yesterday with my sister, when she mentioned she was going to start a blog. So why the hell not.

I have exactly 6 workdays left until unemployment. I have mixed feelings about leaving. I can't believe that I've been working there for over a year. By far the longest job I ever held. It certainly didn't suck as much as working in the restaurant biz. If anything, being forced to wear business casual did instill some degree of self worth. I can't complain too much, I did have a relatively good ride this past year. Jack and Andrew (the two partners in the Bankruptcy group) treated me very well. Andrew took me and a few others out for my farewell lunch yesterday (Wednesday). We went for Indian food. For a white guy, Andrew has a good tolerance for spicy food. I also could have done without the other white guys trying to imitate the Indian accent. They never do it right. It's always this cartoony and idiotic sounding voice. At least Apu from the Simpsons is half decent, these other guys are just bad at doing it. People should leave the racial imitations to people of their respective race.

I'm training a guy named Pete to take over for me in the Bankruptcy group. He's a really nice guy, seems to be the type who gets along with everyone. He's probably in his 40's. The guy was a stock trader with Drexel Burnham during the 80's, then with Prudential later. After 9/11, he left finance. Why the hell he decided to become a peon in the law firm is beyond me.

Anyway, I'm tired. Went to go see the originaly version of Godzilla tonight at the Film Forum. Funny, cheesy, charming. Better than the crap Hollywood managed to turn it into. More later.


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