Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Murphy's Law, and HP to the Rescue

It's the job of fate to make sure things go wrong at the worst possible moment for me. Naturally, that applies to my computer as well. I got this HP laptop at the beginning of law school, roughly a year and 9 months ago. It always served me well. Then a little over a week ago, as finals were about to begin, I arrived at a starbucks to study some admin law. I press the power button, and nothing happens. Silence. I remain calm. I press the button again, the fan starts, a little glimmer of hope... then silence. Then I panic.

I ran over to the IT gurus at the law school, who promptly told me that it was a mother board failure. So I came home, feeling somewhat relieved that I backed up my school files to my flash drive a week before. So I printed out my notes from a school computer and went on studying. Miraculously, my comp started up a few hours later after pressing down on certain strategic points, long enough for me to back up my music, which I worked so hard to steal over the years. Also backed up my pictures just in case. A few days later, the computer died entirely. Wouldn't start no matter where I pressed down.

A friend was kind enough to lend me her laptop while she and her b/f are away this week at a conference, so that was a huge lifesaver. I called HP, which of course routed me to a call center where I was talking to "Jenny," who had a pretty thick Indian accent. She also had a thick Indian attitude which got really annoying after a while.

So HP sent me a packing box so I could send them my comp. I was surprised at how unbelieveably quickly those people worked. I received the box within a day, with a same day pickup. The next day it got to their facility, and I received my comp back today, in perfect working condition. My music and pictures were all safe too. WOO HOO! Thank you HP.

Finals are almost over. Paper due tomorrow. I have 1000 out of 3000 words written. Wish me luck.


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