Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Jump the Shark

For those of you who don't know the term "Jump the shark," it refers to when a show officially turns crappy. The term is derived from "Happy Days," particularly from an episode where Fonzy decides to jump over a shark tank with his motorcycle. Term generally came about meaning that when a show has to resort to such an idiotic ploy has officially run out of ideas.

Normally, one of my favorites shows has been "That 70's Show." It was always fun catching these clever episodes of a bunch of bozo teens growing up in the 70's. It had to be some of the best and most cleverly written comedy I'd come across in a long time. Although I'd seen a bunch of reruns on syndication, I hadn't actually caught a new episode in a quite a while. That changed tonight when I caught the first episode of this new season. Very saddening to see that this show has also officially jumped the shark. Not quite sure when it did, but the show is just not what it once was.

I felt that this show jumped the shark when I noticed the laugh tracks. For some reason, when show is genuinely funny, you actually laugh at the jokes, so you don't notice the fake laughter on the show itself. Today, every time there was a stupid unfunny joke delivered half heartedly, the laughter sounded exactly the same as the laughter that played 10 seconds earlier. Pathetic.

What's worse is that the show had the other hallmarks of a show that's completely run of out ideas. These include the departure of a main character, that being Eric Foreman, played by Topher Grace. They made references to him and even had a phone conversation with him on the show (obviously one sided, so you don't hear the voice of the nonexistent actor). You have the character Hyde married to some random new character. Have some other random new character making wisecracks in an attempt to fill the void of various departed characters. And worst of all, you no longer have subtle humor. When humor turns over the top and seems like it's doing anything for a laugh, you know it's not worth watching anymore.



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