Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Thursday, February 23, 2006

America's Disappointing Sweethearts

Disclaimer: I am not a fan of figureskating. I am a bona fide straight male.

The only time I'm exposed to figure skating is every 4 years, when America hypes up to send one of our teenage "sweethearts" over to some international spot, because it's her turn to win the gold. But undoubtedly, she manages to screw up and fall on her ass once or twice, and allow some underdog to skate away with the coveted gold medal.

I remember about 8 years ago, some of my friends and I were all gathered, watching the winter olympics, and seeing the new star, Michelle Kwan, going out to win her entitled gold. But she blew it, got a silver instead. I think that annoying looking girl, Tara Lipinski or someone, the underdog, walked away with the gold. Kwan disappointed America, but all of us guys thought she was cute, so we rooted for her again in 2002. We were disappointed again when she blew it to that Hughes chick. I remember being in college with friends watching that. I quipped, "This girl looks like she's from Long Island" (referring to Sarah Hughes). To which one of my friends replied, "She is from Long Island." Ironic, Long Island girls definitely have a distinctively annoying look to them. Michelle Kwan didn't even deserve a medal last time... she sucked... Sasha Cohen did better, but it was Michelle Kwan, they had to give her something for her lost gold. Oh well.

So this year, all the hype was about Sasha Cohen. Ironic, that's too similar to Sacha Baron Cohen, a distinctively less disappointing individual. So tonight, while flipping channels, the Olympics were on, and showing Sasha, "the leader after the short program," warming up. Of course, during her run, she fell on her ass twice. So much for her gold medal! I guess they pulled a Kwan on her.. gotta give her something despite falling twice.

Then also undoubtedly, just like in politics, the disappointer manages to disappear never to be heard from again. With certain exceptions, mainly embarrassing situations (i.e. Oxana Baiul getting arrested for drunk driving, Tanya Harding for being white trash, and Nancy Kerrigan making stupid comments while the microphone was on). But Lipinski, Hughes, and whoever the hell else have also disappeared into oblivion. Wow, regardless of how you do in that sport, when your 15 minutes of fame are up, they're really up. Now that is tragically funny.


  • for someone who is NOT a figureskating fan, you sure know a lot about the women figureskaters!!! :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3/08/2006 8:38 PM  

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