Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Little Kid Lost

Earlier this week, Tiff and I were in my apartment studying when we heard some little kid in the hallway call, "mommy!" After about three or four of these calls, I went outside to investigate. I found a little blonde toddler wandering around alone in the hallway. I'd seen him in the building before, but had no clue who he was or what floor he lived on.

So that was interesting. This kid was being pretty uncooperative, refusing to tell his name, or anything else. After some unsuccessful calls to the Property management company, whose only advice was to call the police, all hoped seemed lost to not blow this incident out of proportion entirely. So after plying this kid with peanut M&M's and some juice, and thanking god he wasn't throwing a toddler hissy fit, his mom finally came up to our floor to look for him. Luckily, no need to call the cops. She had the "you're in a lot of freaking trouble" look on her face, combined with the relieved look a parent has upon reuniting with a wandered off toddler.

I remember when I was younger, I was at the mall with my parents and sister. I can't remember exactly when it was, probably the late 80's or early 90's. We're at the Macy's at Roosevelt field, my sister and I are separated from my parents, and she began crying hysterically and throwing a fit. I distinctly remember her crying, and me wondering, "what the hell is she crying about? Our parents are probably right around here somewhere." And sure enough, a security guard came over and asked us our parent's names so he could page them. Of course, since my parents don't have Americanized or easy to prounounce names, the security guard gave us a funny look when my sister told him the names he requested. Oh I love being a second generation American.

It was funny, seeing that little kid lost in the hallway reminded me how simple things were when you're younger. You get lost, your parents eventually find you, and you go home. Although that kid seemed a bit bothered by the fact that he couldn't find his mommy, and started rolling around on the floor, I can't help but relate to him to a certain degree. Sometimes it does feel like at this point in my life, I'm entirely lost and wandering around, sometimes not knowing where the hell I am in life. But, I don't exactly have the "mommy" coming to look for me either at this point.

I think I'm having a mid-law-school-life crisis. The halfway point has been passed. The moot court competition for this semester is underway, and there has been a lot of stress and hard work affilliated with that. Yesterday in particular was stressful because my partner, who gives an entirely new meaning to the word "procrastination," really did cut things down to the wire. So after the brief we were working on was handed in, just under the deadline, the urge to murder subsided. Then I went home and slept.

Lucky me, the mid evening nap meant that I couldn't sleep at night. So today, I'm in a haze. It also doesn't help that Thursdays are really bothersome for the fact that I have three classes in a row, all in the same room. So far, I'm 2/3 done with classes today. Then it's off to my apt to sulk some more. I just hope there's good stuff on TV... had to miss a new episode of SVU on Tuesday thanks to the State of the Union Address.

Speaking of, that State of the Union gave a new meaning to the word "bullshit!" Bush talking about energy independence and alternatives? Who the hell is he kidding. He's an oil man from Texas, and Cheney talks about conservation as nothing more than a 'personal virtue.' The state of political affairs in this nation is pathetic. All we can do is laugh while the national house burns down.


  • now i know EXACTLY what blue M&M's are good for. i also know why birth control is SO GOOD!

    By Blogger Tiffany, at 6/13/2006 2:33 AM  

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