Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Saturday, April 22, 2006

1L's are Funny

I remember this time last year. First semester of first year, I didn't do well at all. I kind of lost confidence and felt crappy all the time. So second semester, I applied myself slightly harder, to marginal improvement. But one thing that I definitely do remember is that finals week of first year was one of the worst weeks of my life. Thank god that's over.

This year hasn't nearly been as bad. But one thing that I've secretly enjoyed is watching all of the 1L's freaking out again about finals. Those who bombed first semester thinking their lives depend on doing well this semester. Others hoping their grades don't tank. It sounds mean, but it's a guilty pleasure seeing them suffer the way I did last year. Right of passage, we all went through it.

On the other end of the spectrum, it's also really fun watching the 3L's who just don't give a crap anymore. In Banking law, a bunch of 3L's asked the professor questions regarding the final. They all started with, "For those of us taking this class pass/fail..." followed by giggles and snickers. Combine that with the planned week of "disorientation" that they have planned, it sounds like a pretty sweet place to be. After all, after all the years of hard work and torture, they have an opportunity to celebrate.

Which leaves me and my 2L classmates stuck somewhere in the middle. We're not as stressed as the 1L's, we're not as carefree as the 3L's. "Clowns to the left of me, joker's to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you."

Last year, I spent most of my time studying either at the law library (see posts from last year), or at home. This year, I've discovered the Cafe circuit. These places are usually more conducive to studying. More relaxing than the library, less distracting than home. I'm sitting here at Chocolatte cafe, drinking my iced coffee, avoiding thoughts of the copious amounts of reading that lie ahead.

So yesterday, I had to go down to the Fed building to hand in some papers for a background check and get fingerprinted. I have to say, that was my first time being fingerprinted. Wasn't like it was on TV with the ink and papers. It's totally high tech now. I had to put my hand on a digital scanner that made my prints appear on a computer screen which captured them. Then each finger individually. So now my prints are on file, and I'm no longer free to committ crimes without wearing gloves. Damn.


  • for the record, i didn't feel that way first year. :) not to be the guilty pleasure girl that doesn't even have the justification that you do with the 'been there, done that' angle.
    :) don't hate me b/c i'm carefree...

    p.s. thanks again, with all embellishments for driving me yesterday to get me car.


    By Blogger dailyplanet, at 4/22/2006 4:13 PM  

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