Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

66.6% done

So finals are next week. I remember almost exactly a year ago, during finals time second semester, it really was the most stressful week of my life. I can't remember a time I felt more horrid, stressed, scared, and annoyed with life than that time last year. But that was a year ago. This year, I'm actually not too worried about finals.

Class wise, this year was pretty awsome. First semester, I liked my classes (with the exception of evidence, which I thought was pretty boring). Islamic Law, International Law, and Real Estate were great. Second semester, classes havn't been as wonderful, but still better than first year. Admin I'm taking pass fail, so not much stress. Banking I love for some reason, BA is pretty redundant from undergrad, and Religion and State was great. So not nearly as much stress when you're studying stuff you're interested in.

I can't believe law school is almost 2/3rds of the way done. It seems like only yesterday I was paralegalling and getting ready to start a new life. So much has happened over the past 2 years it's insane. Feels like an entirely different chapter in my life.

So, this summer I'll be down here in Atlanta again. I'll be working as a Goblin at Gringott's bank (see previous post). I got an offer from the Fed to be a summer intern at the General Counsel's Office. This is awsome, it's totally the type of law I'm interested in doing. Hopefully it'll work out nicely.


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