Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I think I finally figured out what kind of law I want to practice. This semester, I'm taking banking law. I think it's quite possibly the coolest form of law ever. Yet most folks I speak to find it horribly boring. Fine, so I'm a big dork, banking law is still cool.

So today, we had a lecture at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. When the professor spoke of the Fed building here in Atlanta, he said it was a very impressive place with extremely modern facilities. He described the check clearing operations that went on there, the gold reserves, and all the other stuff. Somewhere in there was mentioned electronic carts that zip around the place, probably carrying gold or something. Unfortunatly, the tour we were supposed to have after the lecture was cancelled due to rennovations of their money museum. Crap. I didn't get to see the electronic carts.

When the professor described the Fed last week, I kept thinking of Gringott's bank from the Harry Potter series. In case you're one of those poor souls who has never read the Harry Potter series, Gringott's is the wizarding bank that is run by goblins. The funny thing is that the way the vaults are described in the books and in the movie, they involve carts that kind of go wherever they are supposed to go on their own. Moreover, the building of Gringott's is a big white marble structure located in Diagon Alley.

The fed is quite literally, Gringott's (sans the goblins). When pulling up to the building today, it was a huge white marble structure. Even though I didn't get to see the electronic cart or the gold reserves, I'll take it on faith alone that they have that sort of stuff. I'm also imagining how cool it must be to work there.

The only other Federal reserve bank i've seen is the one in New York. I went on a tour of that one about 10 years ago. It was pretty cool, but the Fed building in NY is pretty old school. But looking at the huge gold reserves was awsome. It really does look the way it was portrayed in "Die Hard with a Vengence," when Jeremy Irons and his crew of East Europeans set up a heist over there.

In the end, they sent us off with little souvenir bags of shredded currency. They literally look like big bags of weed. Ironic, I wonder how much of the shredded currency in there at one point went to buy illicit substances. Ah, the random thoughts with which I keep myself occupied. Until next time.


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