Zahir's Convoluted Little World

Sunday, November 13, 2005


What is it about Thanksgiving and turkey? Everyone feels the need and compulsion to eat turkey on thanksgiving, regardless of whether you actually like turkey. Personally, I'm a big fan of turkey sandwiches. But on the carving board, turkey's kind of bland and tasteless. So on thanksgiving, if there is turkey, I only have a nominal helping.

One thing about my family is that we don't put much effort into the ritualistic observance of holidays. The American holidays are not actually celebrated in my household, but rather just used as days off so we can spend time with one another. Most holidays I can remember have been spent being very lazy around the house. The best parts are when all of us climb onto the bed in my parents room and watch old movies together for hours on end. In my mind, those are the absolute best holidays.

My family never does the thanksgiving turkey either. None of us are particularly fond of carving board turkey, and my mom doesn't feel the need to learn how to spend countless hours cooking food that none of us are particularly fond of. So instead of wasting on the bird, we actually eat food we like.

So over the past few years, the thanksgiving norm in our house has become going to dinner with Dr. Zahir and his crew of doctors and friends. Dr. Zahir is an old friend of my father who has become the host of the annual thanksgiving shindig. It was at his house for a while, then last year, it was at an Indian restaurant. I have to say it's a pretty interesting dinner every year. Several years back, my sister, myself, and some other kids a little younger than us were at Dr. Zahir's house for thanksgiving, when some kid found Dr. Zahir's video collection next to the tv. Most of the movies and tapes were normal, but the hidden gem was, "The Art of the Erotic Massage" video hidden amongst them. That was really classic. Never had a thanksgiving laugh like that before.

Right now, I can't wait to go home for thanksgiving. Who knows where we'll wind up having dinner this year. So long as I get the change to spend a lot of downtime with my folks, it'll be a truly wonderful holiday. Only two weeks left and counting until my trip home.


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